Une porte-parole du collectif local saguenéen de l'Union communiste libertaire à accordé une entrevue sur l'abstentionnisme sur les ondes de Radio-Canada le 27 novembre dernier. L'émission a été diffusée dans le cadre de l'émission "L'heure de pointe", une émission régionale diffusée sur la première chaîne. Vous pouvez écouter l'émission ici sous le titre "N'allez pas voter!" dans l'émission du 27 novembre 2008.
Montréal, 23 novembre 2008 – Une nouvelle organisation révolutionnaire, l’Union communiste libertaire, a été fondée lors d’un congrès réunissant une cinquantaine de déléguéEs en fin de semaine dans Hochelaga Maisonneuve. La nouvelle organisation prendra la relève de l’Union régionale de la NEFAC au Québec.
Le long processus de refondation de la Fédération des communistes libertaires du Nord-Est (NEFAC) au Québec, qui annonçait la volonté d’étendre l’anarchisme organisé à toutes les régions de la province, a permis de réunir pour la première fois sous la même bannière des libertaires provenant d’une demi-douzaine de villes de la province. Ainsi, la nouvelle organisation comptera des collectifs locaux dans les villes de Montréal, Québec et Sherbrooke mais également à Drummondville, Saint-Jérôme et à Saguenay ainsi que des liaisons dans quelques autres localités comme Trois-Rivières.
Les travaux du congrès ont surtout permis d’adopter une toute nouvelle constitution fixant le mode de fonctionnement unitaire de la nouvelle organisation (inspiré des acquis historiques du plateformisme), de faire une révision des buts et principes de la NEFAC en attendant l’adoption d’un manifeste communiste libertaire et de jeter les bases d’un plan d’action incluant une campagne sur la crise économique qui secoue actuellement le capitalisme.
Les congressistes ont reçu les salutations révolutionnaires de plusieurs organisations libertaires du monde entier, tels que: Worker’s Solidarity Alliance des Etats-Unis, Red Libertarias de Buenos Aires et la revue chilienne Ombre y Sociedad. L’Internationale des fédérations anarchistes, l’organisation française Alternative libertaire et Common Cause d’Ontario ont même jugé bon de déléguer des observateurs au congrès.
L’Union communiste libertaire est une organisation de militantEs provenant de divers mouvements de résistance, qui s'identifient à la tradition communiste dans l'anarchisme et ayant comme objectif commun une rupture révolutionnaire avec l'ordre établi. L'activité de l’UCL est organisée autour du développement théorique, de la diffusion des idées anarchiste et de l'intervention dans les luttes de notre classe, que ce soit de façon autonome ou par le biais d'une implication directe dans les mouvements sociaux.
Au plan théorique, L’Union communiste libertaire s'identifie aux principes communistes libertaires et s'appuie sur les bases théoriques de cette tradition particulière. Au plan tactique, L’UCL préconise l’implication dans les luttes sociales dans une perspective de radicalisation des mouvements sociaux et de construction de contre-pouvoir.
"The morale, discipline and battleworthiness of the U.S. Armed Forces are…lower and worse than at any time in this century and possibly in the history of the United States…our army…is in a state of approaching collapse, with individual units avoiding or having refused combat, murdering their officers and non commissioned officers, drug-ridden, and dispirited where not near mutinous." - Col. Robert D. Heinl, Jr. The Collapse of the Armed Forces Armed Forces Journal, June 7, 1971
"Mutiny is the conscience of war." -Common graffiti written by soldiers in the trenches of World War One
Much noise is being made today as to what true GI Resistance actually means. In a confusing, often obfuscating and divisive hodgepodge of arguments, a variety of voices try to pinpoint and isolate a singularly accepted standard of GI Resistance. Sometimes in stark arrogance, members of the antiwar community bicker back and forth as to what supporting resistance entails, without actually considering the point of view of the soldier fighting the war. For instance, words like cowardice, loyalty, and even duty are used by some to attack, condescend, and humiliate war resisters, soldier dissenters, AWOL’s, and deserters. These arguments are seriously flawed, yet each stance tries to establish itself as the only acceptable means of supporting GI Resistance.
There are countless ways to crack an egg, and in a generalized effort to end
the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, a plethora of tactics will be needed. Most of us know that by now. But what we fail to realize is that sometimes the means to immediately end a war start with the boots on the ground. So who then are we, as activists, veterans, and concerned citizens, to place moral standards on any soldier who would detriment the war effort in any way she or he sees fit? The question is not what GI Resistance is, but rather how can we support it any way shape or form?
One only needs to open a U.S. history book to find examples of GI resistance throughout our years of war and conquest. As far back as the American Revolution, instances of GI rebellion were common, as underpaid, underfed, and ill-equipped regulars staged mutinies and revolts against what they saw as forced conscription, colonial elitism, and rampant war profit
eering. In barbarous wars such our Civil War, soldiers plagued by the torment of battle and butchery deserted in massive numbers. AWOL’s were common throughout World War I, and studies on World War II show that soldiers from both sides had tendencies to deliberately aim astray when firing projectiles at enemy combatants. But it wasn’t until the Vietnam War that the true power of an organized underclass of soldiers showed is amazing potential to end military adventurism.
Through amazing instances of organizing, communicating, and class solidarity, American service members utilized a whole array of tactics to make their stance against
a war they saw as immoral and wrong. From civil disobedience to direct action--from outspoken “Rap Sessions”, antiwar coffee houses, underground newspapers, “search and evades” missions, and mass desertions, to more extreme measures as combat refusals, equipment sabotage and assassinations of commanding officers in the field--soldiers challenged the power structure of the military from within, and sent shockwaves through the establishment that were felt all the way to the architects of war in Washington, D.C.
Of course, many people within the movement used a variety of tactics to spread distrust of the political system essential in ending the war. However, it wasn’t until the very moment when the soldiers refused to fight that the powers-to-be had absolutely no other option than to pull the plug on their military aggression in Southeast Asia. The GI Revolt from that time is an amazing display of people-power, and what can be achieved through a well-organized, dedicated effort to tear down systems of oppressive power from within. Their greatest strength came from a decentralized ability to operate sporadically and pop up, much like a fu
ngus refusing to die, uncontrollably in all corners of the American empire. The fertile conditions that nurtured their resistance came from a strong antiwar movement back home, and a tightly-held veteran-soldier solidarity to keep the resistance strongly intact.
Soldier solidarity is where we are failing today.
As activists committed to ending this war, we need to reach out to the troops who are fighting it and show them that we support GI Resistance. Soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan need to know that at home in the United States there is a dedicated activist community that will support them in resisting this illegal war at any cost.
We need to realize amongst ourselves that GI resistance is resistance by definition. Therefore, any resistance acted out by soldiers must be supported. There can be no ultimatums to supporting resistance. Whether that resistance is in the form of organizing amongst peers, starting underground ‘zines or websites, combat refusals or even acts of sabotage, w
e as activists must do our part to help aide and assist them, even if our assistance can only be in spirit and emotion.
We must understand that any form of resistance, even cases of AWOL and desertion, play a huge part in undermining the war effort from within. Never are we allowed to judge or discriminate against soldiers who choose to leave the military for whatever reason the soldier deems necessary. If more of the public accepted and supported AWOL and/or desertion as a justified alternative to participating in an illegal war, then perhaps we could expect more and more soldiers to quit their jobs. Ideally, one could picture the perfect scenario in which, on any given morning, the whole army fails to “show up to formation.”
At any rate, accusations of cowardice or treason are completely unacceptable. Furthermore, any soldier or veteran (especially one inclined towards an antiwar persuasion) that resorts to such patronizing derision should be reminded that such chest-beating machismo and arrogant self-righteousness is absolutely detrimental to our ultimate goal of ending the war. The whole idea is to win the soldiers trust and include them, not insult and exclude them.
Iraq Veterans Against the War is proving every day that we are the vanguard organization in the movement to ending the war. But we must remember that our credibility does not derive from media appearances, placements in protest rallies, or the medals on our uniforms. No, it comes from the fact that we are still soldiers, and we never leave another soldier behind. Our credibility lies with the soldiers that are still tied to this war, not with the public who overwhelmingly supports an immediate withdrawal, and not with the politicians promising peace with empty rhetoric. No one but the soldiers have the power to end the war now. And as an organization inherently dedicated to the soldier, our sole function should be reaching out to them, helping them to resist, helping them to come home. That is the true essence of solidarity, the true meaning of “Support GI Resistance,” and when it finally comes together, then we’ll really see the beginning of the end.
-- posted by Jeff Englehart Iraq Veterans Against the War www.ivaw.org
Operation W.A.N.T.: The Price of Gas
Seven members from IVAW's LA Chapter staged an early morning action on October 11th, placing 4,200 miniature soldiers around a gas station along with posters declaring "The Price of Gas: 4171 US SOLDIERS" (since the action, the number of US soldiers has climbed to 4,193). Participants in the Operation W.A.N.T. (We Are Not Toys) said their goal was to show average Americans what 4,171 US Soldiers looks like and to connect the deaths of US troops to this country's dependence on foreign oil. Read more for a photo gallery of this action
SQ riot squad arrest 5 Algonquins, including Acting Chief Benjamin Nottaway
Kitiganik/Rapid Lake, Algonquin Territory / - SQ officers and a Riot Squad arrested five Barriere Lake Algonquins, including a targeted arrest of Acting Chief Benjamin Nottaway, after forcing community members off highway 117, during their fourth in a series of blockades over a period of seven hours.
"Chief Nottaway sent a letter to Premier Charest on Monday requesting that the government resolve political issues through negotiations rather than police violence," said community spokesperson Norman Matchewan."Blockades are a tactic of last resort. For two decades now all we've asked is that Quebec and Canada honour signed agreements but they prefer to play with our lives."
As the community was pushed off the highway for the last time at 2:30 pm, riot police broke out of formation to chase and arrest Acting Chief Nottaway. His was the second targeted arrest of the day. Community youth spokesperson Marylynn Poucachiche, mother of five and organizer of the community school, was arrested at one of the morning blockades after being reassured by police that no arrests would be made since protesters had agreed to leave peacefully.
One community member was pushed to the ground and kicked by several SQ officers before being arrested.
"The police dragged him with his head on the ground all the way to the police car," said one community member.
Another woman from the community fell while being pushed back onto the access road leading to the Barriere Lake reserve, and hit her head. She was subsequently arrested.
Media Contacts:
Norman Matchewan, Barriere Lake spokesperson: 819 – 435 – 2171, 514 - 831 - 6902
Norman Young, Grand Chief of the Algonquin Nation Secretariat: 819 - 627 - 6869
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Kitiganik/Rapid Lake, Algonquin Territory / - The Barriere Lake Algonquins have blocked highway 117 by gathering in the middle of the road, after Quebec police dismantled their log blockades earlier in the day, and have now been put on notice that the Riot Police will arrive momentarily.
Community spokesperson Marylynn Poucachiche has been arrested for obstruction and mischief and is currently detained.
Media Contacts:
Norman Matchewan, Barriere Lake spokesperson: 819 – 435 – 2171, 514 - 831 - 6902,
Rich governments and corporations are triggering alarm for the poor as they buy up the rights to millions of hectares of agricultural land in developing countries in an effort to secure their own long-term food supplies.
The head of the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, Jacques Diouf, has warned that the controversial rise in land deals could create a form of "neo-colonialism", with poor states producing food for the rich at the expense of their own hungry people.
Rising food prices have already set off a second "scramble for Africa". This week, the South Korean firm Daewoo Logistics announced plans to buy a 99-year lease on a million hectares in Madagascar. Its aim is to grow 5m tonnes of corn a year by 2023, and produce palm oil from a further lease of 120,000 hectares (296,000 acres), relying on a largely South African workforce. Production would be mainly earmarked for South Korea, which wants to lessen dependence on imports.
"These deals can be purely commercial ventures on one level, but sitting behind it is often a food security imperative backed by a government," said Carl Atkin, a consultant at Bidwells Agribusiness, a Cambridge firm helping to arrange some of the big international land deals.
Madagascar's government said that an environmental impact assessment would have to be carried out before the Daewoo deal could be approved, but it welcomed the investment. The massive lease is the largest so far in an accelerating number of land deals that have been arranged since the surge in food prices late last year.
"In the context of arable land sales, this is unprecedented," Atkin said. "We're used to seeing 100,000-hectare sales. This is more than 10 times as much."
At a food security summit in Rome, in June, there was agreement to channel more investment and development aid to African farmers to help them respond to higher prices by producing more. But governments and corporations in some cash-rich but land-poor states, mostly in the Middle East, have opted not to wait for world markets to respond and are trying to guarantee their own long-term access to food by buying up land in poorer countries.
According to diplomats, the Saudi Binladin Group is planning an investment in Indonesia to grow basmati rice, while tens of thousands of hectares in Pakistan have been sold to Abu Dhabi investors.
Arab investors, including the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, have also bought direct stakes in Sudanese agriculture. The president of the UEA, Khalifa bin Zayed, has said his country was considering large-scale agricultural projects in Kazakhstan to ensure a stable food supply.
Even China, which has plenty of land but is now getting short of water as it pursues breakneck industrialisation, has begun to explore land deals in south-east Asia. Laos, meanwhile, has signed away between 2m-3m hectares, or 15% of its viable farmland. Libya has secured 250,000 hectares of Ukrainian farmland, and Egypt is believed to want similar access. Kuwait and Qatar have been chasing deals for prime tracts of Cambodia rice fields.
Eager buyers generally have been welcomed by sellers in developing world governments desperate for capital in a recession. Madagascar's land reform minister said revenue would go to infrastructure and development in flood-prone areas.
Sudan is trying to attract investors for almost 900,000 hectares of its land, and the Ethiopian prime minister, Meles Zenawi, has been courting would-be Saudi investors.
"If this was a negotiation between equals, it could be a good thing. It could bring investment, stable prices and predictability to the market," said Duncan Green, Oxfam's head of research. "But the problem is, [in] this scramble for soil I don't see any place for the small farmers."
Alex Evans, at the Centre on International Cooperation, at New York University, said: "The small farmers are losing out already. People without solid title are likely to be turfed off the land."
Details of land deals have been kept secret so it is unknown whether they have built-in safeguards for local populations.
Steve Wiggins, a rural development expert at the Overseas Development Institute, said: "There are very few economies of scale in most agriculture above the level of family farm because managing [the] labour is extremely difficult." Investors might also have to contend with hostility. "If I was a political-risk adviser to [investors] I'd say 'you are taking a very big risk'. Land is an extremely sensitive thing. This could go horribly wrong if you don't learn the lessons of history."
Après Montréal-Nord, c'est à la Ville de Montréal qu'il faut aller crier notre soif de justice!
Tremblay est-il le maire-poule des policiers ou le maire de touTEs les montréalaiSEs?
Venezdire au maire Tremblay et aux élus de la Ville de Montréal que
Lundi le 24 novembre 2008 à 18h
à l'Hôtel de Ville de Montréal (275 Notre-Dame E., métro Champs-de-mars)
Quand l'agent Jean-Loup Lapointe du poste 39 du Service de police de la Ville de Montréal a abattu Fredy Villanueva et blessé deux autres jeunes qui jouaient aux dés à Montréal-Nord, le maire Gérald Tremblay n'a pas réagi. Le jour suivant, après qu'une manifestation soit organisée par des résidentEs du quartier et qu'ensuite une émeute aéclaté, le maire s'est tout d'un coup réveillé. Alors qu'il n'a pas dit un mot sur le meurtre de Fredy par un policier, Tremblay déclara le lendemain aux médias: « Je ne tolérerai pas que des individus commettent des gestes de violence de la sorte. Je ne tolérerai pas que des policiers soient victimes d'atteintes physiques ».
Le maire de Montréal a ainsi pris parti pour les policiers et contre les montréalaisES qu'il prétend représenter. Tremblay a clairement dit qu'il tolèrera que les policiers nous tirent dessus sans raison, mais pas que nous nous défendions ou que nous exprimions notre rage face aux injustices sociales. Il ne mérite donc aucune confiance.
De son côté, le maire de Montréal-Nord Marcel Parent avait affirmé: « Tout va bien à Montréal-Nord. Il n'y a pas de problèmes. Je n'ai rien vu venir. » Le 20 août 2008, deux cent personnes ont répondu à l'appel du groupe Montréal-Nord Républik et se sont réunies devant la mairie de Montréal-Nord pour réclamer la démission du maire Parent.
Ces policitiens nous prouvent qu'ils ne nous représentent pas, mais qu'ils servent en fait les investisseurs et les propriétaires, qu'ils tentent de rassurer en niant l'existence de problèmes sociaux comme le racisme, les abus de pouvoir et leur impunité. Nous pourrions demander la démission du maire Tremblay, mais nous savons qu'on ne peut pas plus faire confiance à d'autres politiciens comme Benoît Labonté, qui rêve d'être maire de Montréal et fait du capital politique sur la criminalisation des itinérantEs et des jeunes de la rue au centre-ville.
Les seules « solutions » envisagées par les politiciens face à cette crise sont d'envoyer plus de policiers dans le quartier (alors qu'ils sont une grande partie du problème) et de faire des cadeaux empoisonnés à certains groupes communautaires pour acheter leur silence, au lieu de régler les problèmes sociaux qui sont la racine du problème.
Ce n'est pas normal que les mères aient peur quand leurs jeunes sortent de ne pas les voir revenir, victimes de bavures policières. Si ceux qui sont supposés de nous protéger nous blessent et nous tuent, nous ne pouvons compter que sur nous-mêmes et la solidarité de nos pairs pour assurer notre sécurité. Si ceux qui prétendent nous représenter défendent les personnes qui nous blessent et nous tuent, il ne nous reste qu'à nous organiser collectivement pour tenter de régler ensemble les problèmes qui nous affectent au quotidien.
Nous ne tolérons pas que les gens du quartier soient accusés pour s’être révoltés ni qu’on ne sache toujours pas, trois mois après, si les policiers seront accusés. Et nous dénonçons le climat de peur instauré dans le quartier par la police suite à la révolte légitime du 10 août 2008.
Rappelons aux politiciens qui prétendent que jusqu'ici « Tout va bien », que l'important ce n'est pas la chute, mais l'atterrissage!
Jamais par la répression vous n'obtiendrez la paix!
Vérité et Justice pour Fredy Villanueva!
La Coalition contre la Répression et les Abus Policiers (CRAP)
Ce clip de Public Enemy aide à comprendre le contexte de la lutte organisée par les communautés noirs contre le racisme aux États-Unis. Pendant que les gang de rues entredéchireraient les communautés noirs, le racisme continue toujours ses attaques. C'est à ce moment qu'intervienent les organsiations révolutionnaires de libération noir soit le New Black Panther Party et le Black Riders Liberation Party né en 2006 afin d'unir ces communautés dans un projet de libération collective clairement anti-capitaliste où la libération du style hip-hop fait entre autre parti du programme. Comme il est possible de le lire ci-dessous le groupe BRLP est la cible de répression et appel les personnes qui adhèrent à l'anarchisme, au communisme, à l'anti-autoritarisme, à l'anti-fascisme, l'anti-imperialisme ("and all the others -isms") à supporter la libération des prisonniers du BRLP.
Qu'est-ce que le Black Riders Liberation Party?
Qu'est-ce que le Black Panther Party?
Three leading members of the Black Riders Liberation Party, General T.A.C.O. (Taking All Capitalists Out), Comrades Stress and Aryana Shakur, have been indicted and arrested on charges of a conspiracy to possess automatic weapons and attempted possession of a machine gun in a b.s. set-up and entrapment case.
They are being held on bail of half a million for Aryana to a million dollars apiece for T.A.C.O. and Stress. Despite the heavy bail and serious charges - the DA is alleging the Riders were going to enter and shoot up various LAPD stations but has brought no such charges, using only the unsubstantiated allegation as the basis for justifying the raids, undercover cops and surveillance directed at the BRLP - neither the DA nor the LAPD has made any public statements about the case.
This reflects the weak and baseless nature of their case, but also their attempt to disrupt the party by locking up its leaders, attempting to bury them in prison without arousing a public clamor or base of support for the BRLP. It is vital that we present a strong, community-based opposition to these nefarious efforts by the LAPD and District Attorney's office to criminalize Black youth and revolutionary politics. The DA sought and obtained a gang enhancement on the charges, even though the undercover officer testified under cross-examination that the BRLP in fact claimed no territory, bore no identifying gang-style tattoos, and in fact resembled the Black Panther Party!
The cop acknowledged under oath that the Black Riders were proud Africans, advocates for Black unity and avowed communists! This testimony makes clear the political nature of the charges and the whole case.
Although the BRLP have been the targets of police harassment and set-ups for their entire 10-year history, the recent series of busts and high-power raids have taken place in the context of the BRLP popularizing the case of the San Francisco 8 - Black Panther Party members and associates - at a street level in Los Angeles, as well as leading Black resistance and building Black-Brown unity against the racist Minutemen.
Combined with the effectiveness of their "Watch-a-Pig" programs and their peace-making efforts and political education with Bloods and Crips street organization members, these successes brought the BRLP under the cross hairs of the highly political repressive apparatus of the LAPD.
As T.A.C.O. said when the Black Riders organized a demonstration for the SF 8 in Leimert Park in LA last summer, the attack on the SF 8 is an attack not only on the elders and the legacy of the Black Panther Party, but on the current forces struggling for Black liberation and self-defense, such as the BRLP.
The BRLP has recently been building chapters and making contacts in San Diego, Sacramento and the Bay Area. As their recognition and support in the Black community of south L.A., Crenshaw, Watts and the Inland Empire has grown, the police have grown more intent on disrupting their activities. These latest raids and high bails are further proof that the system hates and wants to destroy organized resistance among Black and other colonized and resisting people.
Based on a LAPD affidavit and warrant, LA and San Bernardino sheriffs raided a home in August out in Highland, Calif. The raid, which involved a huge number of deputies as well as federal agents, armored personnel carriers and battering rams, now appears to have been based on the same unsubstantiated allegations of a BRLP "plot" to shoot up LA police stations.
We cannot allow the repressive forces of the state to carry out their plan to lock up the leaders of the BRLP and roll up the party! The Black Riders are being targeted because they are a revolutionary Black organization fighting against the system.
This is just the beginning. The police state is trying to set precedents with the Black Riders as they are doing with the San Francisco 8, so that they can go after anybody who chooses to resist and rebel against this oppressive way of life. "If they come for me in the morning, they will come for you at night."
The Black Riders urge other communities and social justice organizations to support them. The system is trying to isolate them and crush them.
At this point, they need to raise money for their defense. The Black Riders Liberation Party can be contacted and donations can be sent to: Black Riders, P.O. Box 8297, Los Angeles, CA 90008.
Text From: http://www.sfbayview.com/News/Africa_The_World/Black_Riders_Liberation_Party_leaders_locked_up.html
BRLP on Mayday 2008 - "Organize our youth and educate them against police brutality"
A call to the ones who stand against imperialism, racism and fascism - Liberate the prisoners
Black riders Liberation Party (General TACO in the middle)
La Patagonia Rebelde est un film qui relate l’histoire syndicale anarchiste de ces régions du Sud de l'Argentine dans les années 20. Santa Cruz en première ligne.
Le film "La Patagonie rebelle" (La Patagonia Rebelde) de Héctor Olivera sortit en 1974 est basé sur une investigation réalisée par Osvaldo Bayer, qui entre 1972 et 1976 publia les quatre volumes de "Les vengeurs de la Patagonie tragique" (Los vengadores de la Patagonia trágica).
Il s'agit de la répression qui frappa les ouvriers agricoles de l'extrême Sud argentin, entre 1920 et 1921.
A cette époque, la baisse des prix internationaux de la laine et la perte des débouchés pour la viande bovine affectèrent la rentabilité des affaires pour les grands propriétaires terriens et commerçants du sud de la Patagonie. Les conséquences logiques en furent le chômage et la détérioration des conditions de vie des travailleurs ruraux. Les sections locales de la FORA (Federación Obrera Regional Argentina), dominée par les anarchistes et influente dans les villes de San Julián et Río Gallegos, profitèrent de ces circonstances pour impulser une campagne de syndicalisation parmi les péons, bûcherons et autres travailleurs salariés. Mais la riposte des fermiers fut extrêmement dure: licenciements, violence, menaces. La simple élaboration de cahiers de revendications de la part des travailleurs pouvait déclencher des représailles.
Devant l'absence d'accord entre les parties, le gouvernement national décida d'envoyer le 10ème régiment de cavalerie, sous le commandement du lieutenant-colonel Héctor Varela, dont l'action répressive ne connut pas de limites: il ordonna des exécutions en masse, obligea les victimes à creuser leurs propres tombes avant, enferma des grévistes dans des granges pour y mettre le feu ensuite. Les anarchistes dénoncèrent l'assassinat de 1500 personnes; il n'y eut jamais de chiffres officiels à ce sujet. Certes, Varela resta sans promotion par la suite, mais aucune investigation ne fut entamée pour sanctionner sa conduite, et le président Yrigoyen opta pour le silence. Toutefois, des années plus tard, Varela fut tué dans un attentat, en représailles pour la cruauté avec laquelle il avait mis en oeuvre la mission ordonnée par le ministre de l'Intérieur.
En el año 84, durante el primer Gobierno de Felipe González, la llamada reconversión industrial llegó a los vizcainos astilleros públicos “Euskalduna”, amenazando con dejar a miles de familias en la calle.
Los trabajadores plantaron cara enérgicamente en defensa de sus puestos de trabajo y los planes del INI (predecesor de la SEPI) estaban en el aire, entonces la policía impuso la política desindustrializadora de Solchaga y Gonzalez disparando a los trabajadores con fuego real.
Además de decenas de heridos, murió por el criminal ataque policial el compañero Pablo González.
A tiros, así fue como cerraron los astilleros, empobreciendo la margen izquierda de la ría de Bilbao.
While millions of Americans were casting their ballots in polls across the United States on Tuesday, a group of five self-proclaimed anarchists burned theirs in front of the U.S. Post Office on 5th Avenue and Willamette Street in downtown Eugene.
While millions of Americans were casting their ballots in polls across the United States on Tuesday, a group of five self-proclaimed anarchists burned theirs in front of the U.S. Post Office on 5th Avenue and Willamette Street in downtown Eugene.
The group was protesting the act of voting in the United States, saying that voting does not give people real power to make a difference. Each person had a unique perspective on what should replace the current system in the United States and the world. However, they shared the belief that in addition to voting, the current systems of government and states is fundamentally flawed.
They huddled together around a portable barbecue as they lit ballots on fire. As the ballots burned, many of them said the ballots were highly effective in warming their hands.
"The best use of my ballot was for kindling," activist Ian Roger said.
When the ballots finished burning, they were careful to not spill any ash onto the sidewalk. Then they unfurled a sign that said, "Whoever they vote for we are ungovernable." As they walked down Willamette Street to the federal courthouse displaying the sign, a woman stopped them and asked if they knew where a ballot drop box was.
They laughed and collectively pointed at the barbecue.
Arrested during Day 1 of the RNC, Elliot Hughes, while under the care of the Ramsey County Sheriff's Department, was starved, beaten unconscious, hooded and gagged, and ultimately denied medical treatment.
In this video shot last night, hear Elliot's full testimony before a special meeting of St. Paul's council members, on Wednesday September 24th, 2008.
Be warned. What Elliot has to report happened to him tells a disturbing story of unwarranted and unjustifiable police violence. By the end of his testimony, you'll see how St. Paul provided us with echoes of Abu Ghraib during the RNC.
Bob Fletcher (right) is responsible for far more than Elliot Hughes' torture. He personally undertook many out-of-jurisdiction actions before, during, and after the RNC--including harassment of videographers who have remained in town to finish a documentary on the RNC protests.
La NEFAC sera à Drummondville mercredi prochain, soit le 12 novembre pour faire une conférence sur l'anarchisme suivie d'une discussion sur la pertinence de créer un collectif libertaire à Drummondville.
Ainsi :Conférence de la NEFAC (Fédération des communistes libertaires du Nord-Est) sur l'anarchisme Mercredi 12 novembre, 19h Au local 2304 (local d'histoire et de géographie) du Cégep de Drummondville (960 rue St-Georges)
Suivie d'une discussion sur la création d'un collectif libertaire à Drummondville.
La conférence s'adresse à tous et toutes, peu importe leur degré de militantisme ou de théorie. L'important, c'est d'être intéressé-e par le sujet. Venez en grand nombre et invitez vos ami-e-s!
A very detailed talk on the cause of the current world financial crisis that starts off by explaining the background economics in an easy to understand manner, moves on to the role the war and other events apart from the sub-prime crash played and concludes with a look at what opportunities have been created for anarchist by this sequence of events. The discussion afterwards concentrates on the specifics of the situation in Ireland where the meeting was recorded.
Dans la Presse, de la semaine dernière, on pouvait lire complot pour tuer Obama : deux néonazis arrêtés. Cet article nous rappelle que malheureusement, encore aujourd’hui certains individus supportent et véhiculent l’idéologie du nationalisme-socialisme historique. En résumé, ses individus s’identifie à Hitler et entretiennent un rapport haineux avec la différence, qu’ils appelleront « les étrangers » . Leurs symboles sont inévitablement la croix gammée et certains chiffres tels le 88 qui signifie Heil Hilter (salutation nazie) et le 14 pour les 14 mots soit : Nous devons garantir l’existence de notre peuple et un futur pour les enfants blancs. Au Canada, où en sommes-nous avec les néonazis? De récentes données de Statistique Canada montraient que Calgary avait un taux de 9,1 incidents à caractère haineux pour 100 000 habitants, soit environ trois fois la moyenne nationale. Cette ville est donc à risque pour le recrutement de néonazisEn temps, qu’anarchistes, nous vous invitons à dénoncer de tels individus. Étonnamment, Radio-Canada a un monter un site Internet sur l’extrême droite que vous pouvez consulter à l’adresse suivante :
Une organisation appelé la North Eastern Anarchist Network a fait de très sympathiques pancartes contre la participation aux élections et pour l'organisation. On vous invite à aller en voir plus sur leur site neanarchist.net
Sur le site fluxview.com on peut voir des tonnes de clip sur les péripéties des élections américaines. C'est très intéressant.
Passez donc faire un tour sur submedia.tv aussi pour y jeter un coup d'oeil sur les différents montages vidéos dont un très amusant. On voit les deux candidats répéter plus moins la même chose, mais se faire critiquer comme dans les Reality-Talent show où des juges disent aux candidats: Quoi? nenon, t'as bin trop l'air fake!
Le tout pour alimenter une belle leçon de la vie: élections pièges à cons!
Lisez le Cahier du "comité du 8 mars" en cliquant sur l'image. Des textes tels que "Pourquoi je suis féministe?" - "Les drogues du viol sont-elles un mythe?" - "Femmes autochtones" - "Les femmes face aux forces de l'ordre" - "L'anarcha-féminisme" et plus encore...
Lire notre journal: Cause Commune
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Collectif du 19 juillet
En tant que collectif communiste libertaire fédéré à l'union communiste libertaire(*), nous désirons mener une lutte contre les gouvernements autoritaires et nous voyons la révolution sociale comme la seule solution au problème. Nous nous opposons au concept même de l’État, car nous croyons que partout, il sert d’instrument aux plus riches afin d'oppresser les plus pauvres dans le but de perpétuer les inégalités et injustices sociales et économiques, de maintenir l'ordre.
Nos principes de base sont la solidarité avec les luttes locales, régionales et internationales; la défense et le développement des libertés individuelles et collectives. C’est dans cette voie que nous encourageons la création de groupes autogérés et favorisons la collectivisation des ressources et des moyens de production. Nous ne voulons plus que les patrons, les politiciens et tous les autres petits chefs et gouroux du prêt à penser, décident ce que nous allons manger, payer, faire, travailler, penser. Nous voulons être libre de ces vautours.
Nous rejetons toute forme d’autorité qui juge et oppresse l’individu telle que la religion et la tradition patriarcale. Nous nous opposons aux guerres impérialistes et à l’idéologie capitaliste, car elles mettent au profit l’exploitation, la violence et les injustices sociales, et que celles-ci empiètent inévitablement sur les droits humains. Nous encourageons également les mouvements de résistance radicale qui s’opposent aux abus de tout système et pensée autoritaire comme le racisme et le fascisme, l'ultra-libéralisme économique.
Nous croyons aussi que ceux qui parlent de révolution sans faire référence aux jouissances de la vie de tous les jours, ont dans la bouche, un cadavre.
Collectif 19 Juillet ____________________
Pour nous rejoindre: ucl.sherbrooke@causecommune.net
(*) Fondé le 24 novembre 2008, l'UCL réunis des collectifs à Qc, Mtl, Saguenay, St-Jérôme. L'UCL fait partie de la NEFAC Northeasthern Federation of Anarchist Communists - Fédération Anarcho-Communiste du Nord-Est